




1.裸体机密 温柔情人 / Doux amour des hommes 裸体机密 / Across the Road / Facing ...

2.穿过马路 ... clothes 衣服的总称 9、考点: across the road 穿过马路 10、 On the left of 在…的左面; ...

3.马路对面 alga 水藻的单数 across the road 马路对面 detail 详细 ...

4.我们走到马路对面 ... round the corner 在街角拐弯 across the road 在路的对面 letter n.字母 ...

6.我们走过马路 ... on the road( 在这条街上) across the road( 在这条街的对面) Sentences:I pve on ** Road( 我住在**路) ...


1.Long time no see with him, he also felt very happy and come to pull me in his arms, the took my hands and walked across the road.好久没见过他了,他也很高兴地过来揽着我的肩膀,拉着我赶紧过了马路。

2.Some time later, the young man, looking white and ill, came out again and called Jerry, so we went across the road.过了一会儿,那小伙子苍白、病弱地走出店铺叫杰利,我们走了过去。

3.Today, my neighbor from across the road phoned me at work telpng me there was a fire engine outside my house and a lot of smoke.今天,住我家对面的邻居打电话来说,我家门口停着一辆救火车,而且浓烟密布。

4.Parking uphill with no kerb - Turn the steering wheel to the left. Then, at least, the vehicle will not run back across the road.在没有路边石的斜路上行处泊车须知驾驶盘应扭向左边,这样车辆至少不会在溜后时越出路中心。

5.Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.相片中是他的妻子倒在路旁,她在低空飞过一条马路時被车子撞倒,伤得很重。

6.The cornfield across the road does not seem nearly so tall or so green as it ought to be, given the time of year, but I am not discouraged.道路的对面的玉米田几乎并不像一年时间里它应该长成的高大和碧绿,可是但我并不为此而感到气馁。

7.The drooping branches of the birch-trees swayed in the wind, and dripped bright drops aslant across the road.低垂的白桦树枝条湿漉漉的,轻风吹过摇摇晃晃,斜斜地撒下晶莹的水珠。

8.While they began investigating, Susan and I took matters into our own hands, setting up surveillance across the road from his house.在警察开始调查的同时,苏珊和我也没有闲着,在他家的路对面监视他的行踪。

9.Then the Patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me.接著,这个巡警手上仍拿著枪过了一条马路来到我这里看我。

10.Just across the road was another hotel which had a fancy water show in front, with water "dancing" to the music.在马路的正对面,又是一家酒店,该酒店门前有个喷泉,喷泉随着美妙的音乐“翩翩起舞”。