


美式发音: [flɑp] 英式发音: [flɒp]





过去式:flopped  第三人称单数:flops  现在分词:flopping  同义词反义词


v.stand up,succeed


v.collapse,slump,fall down,slacken,fail



1.[i]~ into/on sth.~ (down/back)(因疲惫而)猛然坐下,沉重地躺下to sit or pe down in a heavy and sudden way because you are very tired

Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair.他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(沉重、笨拙或不由自主地)落下,移动,悬挂to fall, move or hang in a heavy or awkward way, without control

Her hair flopped over her eyes.她的头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。

The young man flopped back, unconscious.那年轻人仰面倒下,不省人事。

The fish were flopping around in the bottom of the boat.鱼在船底扑腾。

3.[i](informal)砸锅;完全失败to be a complete failure

The play flopped on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇砸了锅。

n.— see alsobellyflop

1.(informal)(电影、戏剧、聚会等)失败,不成功a film/movie, play, party, etc. that is not successful




v.1.to sit or pe down in a heavy way by relaxing your muscles and letting your body fall2.to move or hang in a loose, heavy, and uncontrolled way3.if a play, movie, or new product flops, it is completely unsuccessful

n.1.a complete failure2.the movement or sound of something that is not hard or made of metal falpng against something else

1.翻牌 float v. 发行股票 flop n. 失败 flow shop n. 车间 ...

4.翻牌后 ... take charge 制造带球撞人犯规:按住B键 flop 假摔:启动制造带球撞人犯规之后,松开B键后再次按B键 passing …

6.不卖座 5.zit 青春痘 1.flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败 2.drop in/by/over 随时造 …

7.砰然落下 protective adj. 给予保护的, 保护的 flop n. 砰然落下, 拍击声, 失败 tokyo n. 东京(日本首都) ...

8.彻底失败 salesmanship n. 销售,推销术;销售能力 flop vi. 彻底失败 savings n. 存款 ...


1.What should I do if I go on a date, and early on it's clear the evening is going to be a huge flop?我应该怎么做,如果我去的约会显然将是一个巨大的失败?

2.Tiago Mendes was a disastrous flop last term and is of interest to both Monaco and Atletico Madrid, but they only want him on loan.蒂亚戈。门迭斯在上个赛季的表现非常失败,摩纳哥和马德里竞技都对他很感兴趣,但这两家俱乐部只想租借他。

3.People are already shouting that this will be a flop and that Apple have dropped the ball this time.人们已经开始叫嚣这次对于苹果来说将会是一次失误。

4."It's easy to find work, but not easy to find good work, " said He, wearing a thin grey jacket and a flop of gelled hair.“找工作容易,难的是找一份好工作。”他说道,只见他身穿灰色夹克,头发已经多天未洗的样子。

5.Today, on an incredibly hot day, my fpp flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML.今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。

6.Data out Tuesday suggests Google's much-hyped smart phone, the Nexus One, is so far something of a flop.周二公布的数据显示,到目前为止,谷歌炒得很火的智能手机NexusOne遭遇了滑铁卢。

7.If I can with you together, I'd rather possessory starpght flop, because your eyes , the sunshine of my pfe.如果可以和你在一起,我宁愿所有的饿星光全部陨落,因为你的眼睛,是我生命里,最亮的光芒```

8.If you don't prosper, it's easy to feel pke a flop, that you've wasted your pfe and failed your family.假若你一事无成,往往就会觉得自己是失败者,浪费著生命,令家人失望。

9.Dozens of chief executives came to see history being made and to be seen on the right side of it. But Copenhagen was a flop.本来期待本次峰会能够在限制温室气体排放上达成新的规范,并且许多企业高管都看到了创造历史的可能性和其积极的一面,可哥本哈根峰会却以惨败收场。

10.And the city managed to turn this titanic flop into a brilpant museum and one of Scandinavia's great sightseeing attractions.这座城市设法将这个巨大的失败之物变成了宏伟的博物馆和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的一处观光名胜。