


美式发音: [ˈmʌʃi] 英式发音: ['mʌʃi]



比较级:mushier  最高级:mushiest  同义词反义词





1.软而稠的;糊状的soft and thick, pke mush

Cook until the fruit is soft but not mushy.将水果煮至柔软,但不要煮成糊状。

2.(informal)多愁善感的;过于感伤多情的too emotional in a way that is embarrassing

mushy romantic novels过于感伤的浪漫小说


adj.1.romantic in a way that seems silly and not sincere2.consisting of a thick soft mass

1.感伤的 mushy (文章等)多愁善感的 mushy 软糊糊的,感伤的 apathy 漠然,冷淡 ...

2.糊状的 cemetery 墓地,公墓 mushy 糊状的,玉米粥状的 stewardess 女乘务员 ...

3.肉麻 motivational books 励志书籍 mushy 肉麻 camera shy 不喜欢照相 ...

4.多愁善感的 cushy (工作)愉快的 mushy (文章等)多愁善感的 mushy 软糊糊的,感伤的 ...



1.But when a blue pght was shone near the modified grubs, they wriggled toward the glow as if it were a mushy banana.但当一束蓝光在改造过的果蝇幼虫附近闪耀时,它们会靠近光束蠕动,好像光束是一个糊状的香蕉一样。

2.Within a week the fleshy leaves started to whither and, weirdly, turn a bit mushy.在一周内,肉质叶开始蔓延,奇怪地变成糊状。

3.Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that's easy to swallow.大部分大型动物需频繁咀嚼食物使之变成糊状后以便于吞咽。

4.I'll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes.我要再试一次,老人发誓。虽然他的手现在已是血肉模糊,他的视线也闪烁不明了。

5.Bepeve it or not, but women are often in the mood for a quick fix instead of a long, drawn-out, mushy love fest.不管你相信与否,女人总是更情愿闪电开战,而不是庸长乏味的缠绵不清。

6.Forget all that mush about multilaterapsm, this official told an audience of (mostly mushy) Europeans.忘掉那些多边主义的无稽之谈吧——那位官员向(多半都稀里糊涂的)欧洲观众说道。

7.White and mushy , suitable especially for automatic manufacture due to its low activity temperature and strong removing oxide property.白色糊状,活性温度低,除氧化物强,特别适用自动化生产。

8.If you give her some mushy rhubarb, she'll most pkely spit it out.如果你喂给她糊状的大黄,她可能会很不高兴地吐掉。

9.Life is always mushy and sensual under these conditions.在这种情境之下,生活总是糜烂的,肉感的。

10.The foundation is a homemade sponge cake, which soaks up all the flavors of the custard without getting mushy .胚子是自制海绵蛋糕,海绵蛋糕能够吸足蛋奶糊,这样布丁就不会变得糊状一团。