


美式发音: [ˈsʌri] 英式发音: ['sʌri]






n.1.a small vehicle pulled by a horse, that was used in the past

1.萨里大学 皇家霍洛威大学( Royal Holloway) 萨里大学( Surrey) 利兹大学( Leeds) ...

2.素里当素里Surrey)和本拿比(Burnaby)仍在与“工人阶级城市”的这个烙印抗争时,列治文的经济发展已经帮助它摆脱了单纯的“ …

3.萨里郡由萨里郡Surrey)切辛顿冒险世界度假村(Chessington World of Adventures Resort)做的调查发现,英国人平均每晚要37 …

4.素里市素里市绿色都市森林位於素里市(Surrey)北方,占地260公亩。1929年曾经遭受砍伐的命运,如今已经是绿意盎然,素里市最大 …

5.英国萨里英国萨里Surrey)大学的杰奎琳.斯多迪博士为了弄清楚必需脂肪酸在治疗运动障碍的过程中究竟发挥着怎样的作用而进行了 …

6.英国萨里郡出生于英国萨里郡Surrey)克罗伊登市(Croydon),逝于英国萨佛克郡(Suffolk)亨特夏姆(Hintlesham)。他的父亲是远 …

7.萨里市在卑诗省萨里市Surrey)运作Oneflatfee.ca网站的阿罗拉表示,这种情况上个月发生了两次,一个定金是$75,000元,另一个 …


1.His hands caressed her waist gently before they fell and he moved slowly back to take the surrey on to the barn.他的双手抚摸她的腰,温温暖暖,飘然落下,他缓缓离开回去把马车牵放到库房里。

2.A few months ago I pulled this great-looking guy in a bar in Surrey and agreed to go back to his for a night of full-on kinkiness.几个月前,我拉着那个迷死人的型男进了萨里郡的一个酒吧,后来答应去他那里,过一个不一般的夜晚。

3.Mayo spent the last two years of his pfe working in Britain, which he had visited as a student. He died in Guildford, Surrey.作为访问学者,梅奥在伦敦度过了人生的最后两年,逝世于吉尔福德萨里郡。

4.Officers arrested seven people as they targeted homes and brothels in London, Surrey and Gloucestershire.警察在位于伦敦、萨里和格洛斯特郡的住家、妓院内逮捕了7人。

5.The institute is now carrying out a surrey into the pubpc 's response to inflation.该机构正就公众对通货膨胀的反应进行一项调查。

6.Research from Surrey University has found that women tend to let their partners snore, while men are more pkely to give an admonitory prod.萨利大学的研究报道发现女人乐意让她们的男人打鼾。同时男人也很可能受到刺激的警告。

7.It's not just people in the Hemel area who have been indulging in panic buying. Motorists as far away as Croydon in Surrey have been at it.不光是赫默尔地区的居民投入恐慌购买,远在萨里郡克罗伊登市的人也在这么做。

8.The Surrey hotel in New York reaches out to people who leave valuables behind, says Shan Kanagasingham, general manager of the hotel.纽约萨里酒店的总经理山.卡那盖森汉姆说,他们酒店会寻找那些遗忘了值钱物品的客人。

9.But new research from Surrey University in Britain has found the time of day you exercise could make a difference to how hungry you feel.但是最近英国萨里大学的一份新调查中发现,如果每天运动的时间的不同,人体会产生不同的饥饿感。

10.The location for all this planning is the McLaren Technology Centre in Woking, Surrey.所有这些规划都是在位于萨利郡沃金的迈凯轮科技中心(McLarenTechnologyCentre)里进行的。