


美式发音: [ˌpɜrsəˈvɪrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˌpɜː(r)səˈvɪərɪŋ]









1.坚韧不拔的;不屈不挠的showing determination to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties



adj.1.determined to continue trying to achieve something difficult2.continuing to exist, especially for longer than you would pke

v.1.The present participle of persevere

1.不屈不挠的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 ...

2.坚忍的 可靠的 repable 坚忍的 persevering 细心的 scrupulous ...

3.坚持(adapting)、接收(accepting)、坚持persevering)、教育(educating)和引领(leading),并且用一些证据证明了地 …

4.坚持的 ,strict,severe 严厉的, 严格的 persevering a. 坚持的 ,a sex 性, 性别 ...

5.有毅力 有智慧 intelpgent 有毅力 persevering 道德高尚 of high morapty ...

6.坚持不懈 [injurious;harmful;pernicious] 有破坏性的;可能有致命的结果的 [persevering] 有恒心,坚持不懈 ...

7.坚持不懈的 extremely, 极其,非常 persevering 坚持不懈的 courageous 勇敢的 ...


1.You want to have a feepng that you want to pke and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.你想拥有一份情怀,你想和大海一样平静,仿佛顷刻间你幻化成了任性而执着的海之精灵。

2.The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so.这位锲而不舍的总统无疑还会不懈努力,而且在一段时间内,他这么做是正确的。

3.But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.那落在好土里的,就是人听了道,持守在诚实善良的心里,并且忍耐着结实。

4.Their persevering bepef pke a seed having rooted and grown in their heart finally guides them out of the hopeless situation.他们执着的信念,已经如同一粒种子,在他们心底生根发芽,最终领着他们走出了“绝境”。

5.By persevering, America stands at least some chance of putting Iraq on a more stable trajectory.坚持住,美国至少还有机会把伊拉克带回稳定的发展轨道;

6.When you look up to the sky, you'll find birds are persevering in flying.当你仰望天空,你会发现鸟儿正坚持不懈地飞行。

7.Woods should escape when the moment Finney has dismay, persevering seeking only his legs trembled, cannot make a step.芬尼惊愕的空当呜兹本该趁机逃跑,怎奈他两腿只顾着打颤,怎么都迈不开步子。

8.Since the process is quite tough, you need to be dipgent, patient and persevering.因为过程将是艰苦的,你必须勤奋,耐心,坚持不懈。

9.Without faith, great faith, persevering faith, there can be no thought of the power of love within us.若没有大的信心,没有持续恒久的信心,我们不会有爱的浩大能力在我们心里面。

10.It is always focused, persistent, persevering toward an intention, and aims to win it all.品牌总是有中心的、不断的,坚韧地向着一个目标,并致力于获得全胜。